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THE DENIZ TEK GROUP - LE BONNE ROUTE - 1996From these ashes grew the current band. The Deniz Tek Group's 1993 line-up continues to this day and features Celibate Rifles guitarist Kent Steedman; Tumbleweed and Celibate Rifles drummer Nik Rieth; and bassist Jim Dickson whose history includes The Survivors, The Barracudas, The New Christs and Louis Tillett's Aspersion Caste. Early 1995 saw the local release of the critically acclaimed hard rock album Outside on the Red Eye label.
This was followed by a tour encompassing Australia, Europe and the west coast of America. While maintaining a low profile, the group has from this point in time subversively eked out an existence below the consciousness of the industry, much to the delight of selected cadres of fans in cities and villages throughout the world. The start of this year has seen a break with Red Eye and the group adopting an even more staunch DIY attitude. A new, self financed album, Le Bonne Route, will present listeners with a departure from the last two releases. The recording was done near Deniz's home in Montana at the full digital studio assembled by Dave Weyer, who engineered and co-produced the album. Dave is a rock veteran and electronic guru, who was Jimi Hendrix's amplifier mechanic in the 60's. While still hard rocking, Le Bonne Route has a strange experimental edge.
Some songs feature polyrhythms, while some are played outside traditional rock key/scale harmonic relationships.
July was spent road testing the new material in Italy, where the band is held in high esteem. The band are now wired up and ready to tour Australia in November in support of the release of Le Bonne Route which has been licensed by Citadel Records and scheduled for an early October release through MDS. Stay tuned for the dates.
Review from Time Off (Oct 96) by Simon McKenzie - LE BONNE ROUTE
Le Bonne Routeis the perfect document of the extraordinary outfit Tek has played with since 1994 - Celibate Rifles' Kent Steedman and Nik Rieth on guitar and drums respectively, and former New Christs Jim Dickson on bass.
The sheer power of some of their best shows make it onto disc in the form of hell-for-leather energy freakout material like "Lunatics At The Edge Of The World" and "Clear Itself". Some of Tek's most direct rock and roll is on this record, and it's clear that he knows exactly what he's good at.
But Le Bonne Route is also Tek's most adventurous recording yet. "Rabbit's Foot" is a heavy spoken word piece with hypnotic verses and smashing choruses, with each member of the band speaking a eerie verse. One of them sounds exactly like John Cale delivering "The Gift". The closing track, "VMO", is a cinematic ocean number that hints at unknown country for the Tek band - country it would be well for them to explore.
Still, the main purpose of a Deniz Tek record is to rock like almighty fuck. Le Bonne Routeis the number one modovational record of 1996. No doubt about it.
Review from Beat Magazine - Deniz Tek "Le Bonne Route"Third solo offering and, written mostly in partnership with moonlighting Celibate Rifle Kent Steedman, it's paint-peeling gonzoid guitar action without the Detroit retro detritus.Typically, all amps are firing and considering the disc's brevity (a whisker under half an hour if you subtract the 8 minute mood piece finale "VMO") the songwriting goes a long way. Tek and co strike chords in many ways. Refer: the electrical shower of the album's juiciest rocker "Saucer Pilot Blues", "Tubular Dreams"'s acoustic slide, the uneasy drone of Steedman's vocal on "Rabbit's Foot" and straight up pub blaster "Imaginary Man". Collectively, not as consistent as 1994's "Outside" set but the band's consensus to occasionally thumb-nose traditional rock n' roll values is appreciated.
DENIZ TEK GROUP - LE BONNE ROUTE (Citadel)by Roberto Calabrò - "Rockerilla" n. 197 - January 1997Lo troviamo ora, in forma smagliante, tornare alla carica con una serie di progetti straordinari. Il Deniz Tek Group � un ensemble che annovera alcuni tra i migliori esponenti dell'underground 'aussie' degli ultimi quindici anni quali Jim Dickson (Barracudas, New Christs), Kent Steedman (Celibate Rifles, Yage) e Nick Rieth (Tumbleweed). "Le bonne route" � il terzo album di questo super-combo e rappresenta una splendida sintesi sonora del rock australiano contemporaneo. Undici perle potenti e sfumate, giocate per intero sull'incrocio tra tra il chitarrismo secco e tagliente di Tek e quello pi� valvolare e dilatato del biondo Steedman, con il supporto di una sezione ritmica impressionante per forza e compattezza. Si alternano episodi fulminanti al versante decisamente pi� stralunato e sperimentale della band. Le iniziali "Imaginary man" e "Lunatics at the edge of the world" combinano rabbia punk e distorsioni psichedeliche, per cedere poi il passo alla tribale "Away from here" al rock'n'roll lisergico della stupenda "Tubular dreams" fino all'episodio pi� strano dell'intero lavoro, "Rabbit's foot", una spoken-song ipnotica, dominata da poliritmie e chitarre dall'incedere altalenante. "Dave's insanity", "Saucer Pilot Blues", "Ze good way" sono delle piccole molotov soniche, mentre la conclusione � lasciata a "VMO": un tranquillo viaggio oltre la porta della percezione, attraverso il suono senza tempo dell'Oceano. ROBERTO CALABRO'
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