Tracks :
- Burned My Eye
- Smith And Wesson Blues
- Anglo Girl Desire
- Hanging On
- TV Eye
- Revelation*
- Aloha Steve & Danno
- Alone In The Endzone
- 455 SD
- Walk The Earth*
- What Gives?
- New Race
Band :
- Rob Younger - vocals
- Chris Klondike Masuak : Guitar
- Deniz Tek - Guitar
- Pip Hoyle : Klavier
- Warwick Gilbert : Bass
- Ron Keeley : Drums
Recorded by Dave Warner and engineered by Tim Johnston at Seeds Studio, Melbourne
These tracks where first broadcast on triple r's live music feature "caught in the act", May 1996.
This studio recording was performed before an invited audience. No overdubs - totally live !
Reference :
- Crying Sun Records - CSR01 (A5 limited Edition)
- Crying Sun Records - CSR001 (Jewel case)
Manufactured under license by Citadel Records
January 1996 saw the reformation of Radio Birdman after an 18 year hiatus.
The band themselves were as surprised as everyone else by this development
and at the time there was no thought of an ongoing future. Only a wait and
see approach with the focus being solely on the successful completion of the
tour. After all, this was the tour that should have taken place way back in
1978 after their well documented break up and they wanted it to be as good
as possible with no damage to their mythology.
During the pre-tour rehearsal time, there had been some discussion as to
whether recording some live material for archival purposes should be
considered. When Melbourne's Radio Triple R approached the band regarding an appearance on their "Caught In The Act" live music feature, a window of opportunity opened. This was an easy and achievable way to obtain quality
live material. Although there were no specific plans for a release, things went so well that Ritualism has become the end result.
Ritualism contains 10 new versions of standard Radio Birdman material as well as two new tracks*.
The session was recorded over a six hour period at Seed Studios in South
Melbourne on a day off between Melbourne shows. A small but lively audience
of 25 hardcore fans attended, these being the winners of a Triple R phone in
competition. They were stuffed into the corridor and control room of the
studio where they were randomly captured by an overhead mike.
The production was recorded fully live and without overdubs. No efforts have
been made to cover up mistakes or doctor the performances. If it sounds like
a dozen people yelling at the end of the song, that's because that's what it
is. Two days were spent on mixing the tracks with Wayne Connolly engineering
the session. Only two songs didn't make it onto Ritualism giving some
indication of the playing prowess of the group.
To facilitate this new release Crying Sun Records has been created by the
band in association with Citadel Records to handle all current and future
recorded work. Radio Birdman will again exist and be completely independent of record industry support or influence. This is seen as essential to
maintaining the band's commitment to quality and fairness for the people who
choose to listen. Freedom from conformity was a priority 20 years ago, the
same attitude today marks the ongoing Radio Birdman reunification.
Ritualism is packaged in a booklet with an accompanying 12 page insert
containing live full colour shots from the Radios On tour. This exclusive
format will only be available by mail order or at selected shows on the
forthcoming tour in January. Radio Birdman have taken every care to present
their new record at a reasonable price in a superlative packaging.
For ordering information contact CITADEL MAIL ORDER SERVICE
in Rock Sound #44 - Feb 97 - by Alain Feydri
Ouvrons la rubrique : le temps ne fait rien � l'affaire, apr�s un bref rappel des faits. Suite � une mise en sommeil longue de 18 anN°es, Radio Birdman, la grande l�gende du rock australien, a repris du service en Janvier 96 concr�tisant une tourN°e locale fort bien
accueillie par ce live en studio qui est tout simplement �poustouflant eu �gard � la dur�e de la parenth�se. Younger, Tek et les autres revisitent dix de leurs classiques ayant ajout�, pour la bonne bouche, une paire d'iN°dits ("Revelation", "Walk the earth")
tout � fait � la hauteur des retrouvailles. Enregistr� � l'origine pour les besoins d'une radio de Melbourne devant une vingtaine de fans, "Ritualism" nous permet de renouer avec ce rock'n'roll habit�, sauvage et lyrique � la fois o� s'entrecroisent les traces des Doors, Stooges, MC5 et d'une surf music irradi�e au punk 60's. Le son est impeccable et la dynamique du groupe saute aux oreilles d�s les premi�res secondes de "Burn My Eye". Un retour inattendu dont la pertinence artistique fait vraiment chaud au coeur.
in Rockerilla n. 200 - April 97 - by Roberto Calabrò
Ritrovatisi in studio dopo quasi vent'anni per rimasterizzare i due leggendari album "Radios Appear" (1977) e "Living Eyes" (1981), gli austaliani Radio Birdman - Rob Younger (voce), Deniz Tek (chitarra), Chris "Klondike" Masuak (chitarra), Pip Hoyle (tastiere), Warwick Gilbert (basso), Ron Keeley (batteria) - hanno visto la scintilla esplosiva del loro straordinario punk'n'roll accendersi per l'ennesima volta. Quello che doveva essere un occasionale rendez-vous si � trasformato invece nella ricostituzione del combo australiano, subito celebrata con una serie di infuocate apparizioni live nella terra dei canguri.
Anche la registrazione di un album dal vivo � stata per certi aspetti non programmata dalla band: l'occasione di fotografare la travolgente energia di quei concerti fu propiziata dall' emittente radiofonica di Melbourne Radio Triple R che, nel maggio dello scorso anno, invit� Younger e soci a partecipare al proprio programma "Caught in the act", durante il quale i Birdman registrarono - totalmente dal vivo e senza alcuna sovraincisione a posteriori - i dodici brani che compaiono ora in "Ritualism". Un album splendido che rende giustizia ad un sound che il tempo sembra non aver scalfito minimamente e che suona ancora oggi caldo ed esplosivo come allora. Una miscela rock'n'roll ad alto potenziale dinamitardo, al contempo incisiva e fantasiosa, pregna di
un'energia tagliente che anima brani quali l'opener "Burned My Eye", la folgorante "Smith & Wesson Blues", la velocissima cover stoogesiana di "TV Eye", le punkeggianti "What Gives" e "New Race", cos� come una "Hanging On" ricca di acidissimi effluvi wah-wah.
La ricchezza dei colori presenti in "Alone in the endzone", nel nuovissimo "Walk the earth" (l'altro brano inedito "Revelation" � invero un poco sottotono), e nei vecchi coinvolgenti anthem "Anglo Girl Desire" e "Aloha Steve And Danno", dove il chitarrismo secco e valvolare del duo Tek- Masuak � contrappuntato dalle fantasiose geometrie tastieristiche di Pip Hoyle, ci svelano una volta ancora le magie di un sound intramontabile quanto poliedrico e affascinante.
Pubblicato dalla loro etichetta personale Crying Sun Records, creata in collaborazione con l'indie-label Citadel, il disco � racchiuso in una splendida confezione digibook A5 ed � disponibile - in attesa di una distribuzione italiana - esclusivamente tramite mail-order.